Hiring a security guard for your commercial premises can be quite confusing. However, the following guide is exactly what you need. Continue reading ahead to learn about the top 9 things to consider when you hire security guard services.

A background check is the first step

You must engage in a proper background check of the security guard. It includes a long list of questions such as his experience, his training, his educational qualifications, reasons for leaving the previous job (if any), and so on. You should think of hiring them only after you are convinced that they do not have any criminal records and understand their role’s responsibilities.

For how long is the guard available, and what are your requirements?

Does your commercial space provide 24-hour service? In that case, you would need to keep staff members in shifts. In case you have limited hours of functioning, you must check if the shortlisted guard will be available at that time. It is essential to clear these things right at the beginning so that you can work tension-free later. You can also have different contracts, such as monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Discuss with the agency when you hire.

Is the guard capable of handling technology and equipment?

The modern world revolves around technology, and there is no way that you can handle commercial premises without equipment such as a CCTV camera, a fire alarm, an instant call button, and likewise. So, you need personnel that understands technology and can operate it. Though you can give them the final on-site training, they should have basic prior knowledge. Imagine a situation when there is a robbery. Then, he must be able to call the cops tactfully. Big premises often have walkie talkie systems to connect security guards.

Study the guard’s personality

Every human has a distinct personality. This is what people refer to as temperament. While a security guard cannot be too friendly with everyone that walks in, he must not be rude either. You must remember that the general masses look at security guards as helping hands when they do not know which way to go or cannot figure out something. Thus, the guard must be helpful with a keen eye for suspects. He must have a firm personality that intimidates possible culprits. He must also be ready to deal with emergencies anytime.

What are the salary expectations?

How much does the guard expect you to pay him? What is your budget? Are you hiring security services from an agency, or are you looking for independent workers? Please remember that it is always better to opt for agencies because they have already trained the guard and done a thorough background check. Moreover, the agency has an ID record of every member they teach. The salary you pay your guard depends on several factors, such as the duty hours, the skills he is presenting, years of experience, and the use of arms. Sometimes, security personnel may be eligible for insurance benefits and bonuses.

Is he physically fit to work?

What’s the point of hiring a guard if he is physically unfit? This is one of the most primary prerequisites to keep in mind when you are hiring a security guard for commercial premises. The best way to go about this is by personally monitoring his training session and giving him situational tasks that need him to show mental alertness and physical fitness. Every guard must work out daily and prioritize fitness. How many steps can he run without losing breath? How much weight can he pick up at one go? Does he have an agile body? You must look for answers to all these questions.

A session on work ethics is imperative

Work ethics shape the way he will perform on duty. You must organize an in-house session on revising basics such as dressing correctly to work in uniform, reporting punctually daily, not being drunk at work, and likewise. He should always look neat and ready to work instead of having a laidback and sleepy attitude. You see, most of your customers will first see the guard before they enter your premises. Guard’s work ethics and behavior directly impact your public image. Excellent service to the masses can help you build brand loyalty in your customers.

He must have qualities such as honesty and loyalty

A security guard must have virtues such as honesty and loyalty to your brand. Though you cannot ask the security guard directly about this, you can inquire about him from the agency or get in touch with his past employers. They will be able to give you an unbiased opinion. Instead of relying on only one source, you must ask at least two of his previous employers and then create the complete picture. Find details about why he left his last job, and that can also speak tons about his efficiency.

Does he know how to report crimes?

Last but not least, does your shortlisted guard have training in how to report crimes? Crime reporting is a vital skill that your guard must know. Imagine a situation where the guard cannot handle the problem alone, and he calls the police for help. Then, he must be able to narrate details over call so that the police are prepared accordingly. He must have clear speech and excellent eyesight to see things from a distance and make mental notes. In case of any accidents or mishaps, his eye witness account will be crucial.


In today’s uncertain world, it is impossible to control a commercial space without security personnel. He not only protects you from thieves and burglars but also acts swiftly in case of emergencies such as calamities and fire outbreaks. A security guard agency can help you find the right staff quickly.